March 15, 2025

IIT Madras comes up with Antimicrobial Food Wrapping Material

29 November | Written by TITN Team

Recently, a team from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, led by Professor Mukesh Doble of the Biotech department of the institute has developed a novel, biodegradable food wrapping material.

A press release from the institute said that this developed material by their team has been tested to prevent contamination of packaged food during storage by bacteria. This ant-bacterial wrapping material does not cause any toxicity in the packaged food material as it has made out of polyvinyl alchohol, starch and other polymers.

The team has claimed that using this novel wrapper will go in a long way in reducing plastic waste as when disposed, it degrades 4 to 98 per cent within 21 days, but it depends on the moisture in the environment.

As per an estimate, about 30 crore tonnes of plastic waste is generated each year, but unfortunately only nine per cent of it gets recycled.