Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya said that India has approved a single dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid19 vaccine for emergency use. The company announced on Friday that the pharmaceutical giant has applied for emergency use of its vaccine. The injection will be delivered in accordance with the supply agreement with the local vaccine manufacturer Biological E Ltd. Shipped to India, J& J. stated that so far
Indian health authorities have approved the use of vaccines developed by AstraZeneca, Bharat Biotech, Russia’s Gamaleya Institute, and Moderna. Reuters estimates that earlier this week, there were coronavirus cases worldwide that exceeded 200 million, as the more contagious Delta variant threatens areas with low vaccination protection and affects health systems.
Since July, India has reported an average of 30,000 to 40,000 new coronavirus cases per day. The federal government warned that although the number of cases during the peak of the second fatal wave has fallen from a high of 400,000 cases per day, there is still no danger.
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