February 20, 2025

Chandigarh reports the first case of Omicron

12 December 2021 | TiTN Team

A completely immunized man who had tried positive in December and came down to see family members in Chandigarh turned into Chandigarh’s first instance of the Omicron variation.

The 20-year-elderly person who lives in Italy and came down to visit a few family members in the city tried positive for Covid-19 on December 1. He’s been in isolation since. His swab tests were sent for genome sequencing to NCDC, New Delhi.

The voyager had taken the Pfizer antibody in Italy and stays asymptomatic.

His seven in danger relatives were likewise placed in isolation yet tried negative. They were tried again on Sunday.

The Chandigarh wellbeing division in the interim encouraged those qualified for inoculation to immunize themselves soon and requested that people in general hold fast to Covid conventions, for example, covers and social separating.