March 12, 2025

Saanvi Enterprises Launches its first in-house magazine “Ekansh”

29 April 2024 | TITN Team

On April 28, 2024, Saanvi Enterprises – one of the leading names in plywood and home interiors trade in Odisha – successfully launched the introductory issue of its in-house magazine ‘Ekansh’ and  Saanvi VR Xperience at Brahmani Club, Rourkela, Odisha.

Shri Ashok Jalwania, Senior Commandant of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) graced the event as the Chief Guest while the Guest of Honour for the event was Shri Subha Pattnaik, Immediate Past President of the Rourkela Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Sharing the dais with them were Shri Sambhulal Chanduka, Founder, Hindustan Trade Syndicate and Shri Sumit Chanduka, Founder, Saanvi Enterprises.

Speaking to the press on this occasion, Shri Sumit Chanduka said, “The magazine ‘Ekansh’ has been published with an objective of sharing insights into the current and future trends of home interiors products, services and industry with all its stakeholders. This is the introductory issue of the magazine, and it will be published every quarter moving forward. The magazine features articles from top architects, interior designers and industry people.”

He also spoke about the Saanvi VR Xperience app, which has been developed to enhance the product selection experience of home interiors products. In a virtual, immersive environment of Saanvi VR, customers can select different products (based on color and texture) such as laminates and veneers to see which color-type or texture-type suits their preference and which ones will complement with the theme of their homes.