February 20, 2025

No GST on Covid – 19 essentials, says FM Sitharaman

12 June 2021 | TITN Team

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said on Saturday that suggestions of the Group of Ministers (GoM) set up to investigate charge alleviation on Covid-19 clinical supplies have been acknowledged by the GST Council.

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) rate has been decreased from 12% before to 5 percent now on Covid testing packs, clinical evaluation oxygen, and ventilators.

For ambulances, the GST rate has been decreased from 28% to 12 percent, and for hand sanitizers from 18% to 5 percent. These rates will be legitimate till September 30.

Temperature check equipment will presently draw in 5% GST, prior it was 18%. The GST rate on beat oximeters, including individual imports, has been diminished to 5 percent from the prior 12%.

The GST rates on determined provocative demonstrative units have dropped to 5 percent from 12% and rates on gas/electric/different heaters for crematorium including their establishment have been sliced to 5 percent from 18% prior.

The GST Council has chosen not to force any GST on Covid-19 related medications – Tocilizumab and Amphotericin B. Prior the rate was 5%.

Rates on anti-coagulants of coagulants like Heparin and Remdesivir have been decreased to 5 percent from 12%. Some other medication suggested by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) and the Department of Pharma (DoP) for Covid treatment will presently draw in 5% duty.

The GST Council additionally gave alleviation on ventilator covers/canula/head protector diminishing expense to 5 percent from 12%, for BiPAP machine to 5 percent from 12%, and for high stream nasal canula (HFNC) gadget to 5 percent from 12%.

“These rates will be valid till September as against August-end recommended by the GoM,” said Sitharaman while addressing a press conference after the meeting of the GST Council.

“Based on the advice and also from states’ input whether that period has to be further extended will be taken as a call nearer the time and the GIC will probably take the responsibility of eliciting the opinions, taking inputs of political leadership and meeting to take a final word on whether the extension should be furthered after September,” said Sitharaman.