February 20, 2025

Rourkela girl Saakshi Agarwal receives Gold Medal

30 March 2023 | TITN Team

Saakshi Agarwal, daughter of Mr. Navin Agarwal and Mrs. Neelam Agarwal, has been awarded Gold Medal by VSSUT on being adjudged to be the Best Under Graduate Girl Student securing Highest CGPA in order of merit amongst all outgoing BTech Computer Science & Engineering students for the Academic Year 2022. 

Saakshi has also received a Certificate of Merit for the Academic Year 2022 on being adjudged to be the 2nd best student in the BTech programme for the session 2018-2022. 

“I dedicate this Gold Medal to my loving parents, who are my pillar of strength and biggest supporters. Whatever little I have achieved in my life so far is only because of them,” says Saakshi, who is currently working as a Software Developer with Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon). 

Saakshi further says she was quite tech-savvy from her childhood and that she always wanted to become a Software Professional. And now that she has started working for such a big brand, her dream is coming true!